A Comprehensive Guide to Human Resources and the First 90 Days of Hiring a New Employee

Jul 1, 2023 | Hiring, HR News, Job Description, New Employee, On-Boarding, Structure, Structured work environment

A Comprehensive Guide to Human Resources: A New Employee’s First 90 Days

Welcome, business owners! As you strive for a thriving and harmonious work environment, understanding the intricacies of Human Resources (HR) is crucial. In this blog post, we will delve into the key aspects of the first 90 days of hiring a new employee. From crafting compelling job postings and descriptions to effectively managing performance reviews, documentation, and legal considerations, we aim to provide you with valuable insights to confidently navigate the process.

Crafting Job Postings and Job Descriptions

When it comes to attracting the right candidates and setting clear expectations, distinguishing between job postings and job descriptions is essential.

When crafting a job posting, it’s important to highlight what makes your company unique and showcase the benefits of working for your organization. Share your company culture, values, and any outstanding perks that differentiate you from competitors. Clearly communicate the responsibilities and qualifications required, ensuring transparency from the beginning.

On the other hand, job descriptions provide a comprehensive breakdown of the role’s expectations, qualifications, and duties. Be specific about the necessary qualifications, skills, and experience. Include all relevant responsibilities and expectations to ensure clarity. Remember to incorporate a standard statement such as “And any other duty as assigned” to cover unforeseen tasks.

Both the company and the employee should sign the job description, indicating mutual understanding and agreement.

The First 90 Days

The initial 90 days of an employee’s tenure are crucial for their successful integration into the company. To ensure a smooth transition and a productive relationship, a structured approach is key.

Establish a weekly check-in routine to assess the new employee’s progress, address concerns, and provide guidance. Document these check-ins, taking notes and obtaining signatures from both parties to confirm discussions.

At the end of the initial 90-day period, conduct a comprehensive performance review. This review should be detailed, assessing the employee’s performance against the specific criteria outlined in the job description. Evaluate each aspect of the role and provide consistent ratings. Be honest and transparent in your evaluation to ensure accuracy and fairness.

Avoid providing unrealistic ratings during the review process. Consistency in grading helps maintain credibility and reliability in performance assessments. Remember, it is not advisable to give an employee high ratings and then terminate their employment shortly after without valid cause.

The 6-month review should follow the same process as the 90-day review, allowing for continued feedback and performance evaluation. Regular reviews throughout the employee’s first year enable effective monitoring of progress, providing support, and addressing any concerns that may arise.

Importance of Documentation and Legal Considerations

Documentation plays a vital role in protecting both the employee and the company. Whenever disciplinary actions, such as writing up an employee, are necessary, it is imperative to have the employee sign the report. This acknowledgment demonstrates the employee’s awareness of the incident and understanding of the consequences.

In a non-unionized company, suspending employees who are not on a salary basis is an available option. However, it is essential to comply with local labor laws and consult legal professionals to ensure adherence to specific regulations in your jurisdiction.

The ultimate goal of meticulous documentation and thorough performance evaluations is to establish legitimate cause for termination. By maintaining comprehensive records of performance issues, providing clear opportunities for improvement, and demonstrating that the employee was given fair chances to succeed, you can minimize the risk of legal disputes.


Understanding the nuances of Human Resources and effectively managing the first 90 days of hiring a new employee are critical for long-term success. Contact us or more formal instruction or help. By crafting compelling job postings and descriptions, implementing a structured onboarding process.

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